Summer is great time of year to support children in the sciences by asking questions and conducting experiments. Here are three fun activities that will get your students asking questions, building vocabulary, and exploring the topic of Earth Systems. Ultimately, they will help get early learners ready for their future use of the scientific process.
5 Spring Science Experiments
Spring is the perfect time of year to explore and discover nature first hand. Everything from the weather changing to the plants starting to bloom can be helpful in teaching lessons in the subject of science. Learning through examination and experimentation, children can gain a better understanding of scientific theories on the preschool level.
Science Activities for the End of the Year
Science fills kids with wonder and excitement about the world around them. What is a rainbow? How does a caterpillar change into a butterfly? The end of the school year is the perfect time to break out those last minute science experiments and activities that will leave your students thirsting for more exploration over…