Let’s face it, teaching is tough! If you are a teacher, you know that sometimes you say things in the classroom that you never anticipated saying. From “Ignore the dead scorpion on the floor” to “Don’t put the owl pellet near your mouth,” teachers say some unusual things. We asked teachers from across the country to tell us…
Instructional Coaching: First Impression and Tips
As an educator, you have probably had experiences with instructional coaches. Whether those experiences are positive or negative, the truth behind coaching is not what you would expect. They said it would be hard. They said it would be different. They definitely said it would not be easy. I knew all along it would be…
16 Professional Development Options for Teachers Over the Summer
Teachers only work ten months a year….WRONG! Well sort of!! We may only be PAID for ten months, but that does NOT mean that we are not working! Professional development does not have to be limited to the school year. You also may not have to pay for all professional development either. Here are some…